
opt-in and opt-out

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This article describes the opt-in process(es) for dicks.dental (https://dicks.dental/) and its sub domains (shop.dicks.dental / legal.dicks.dental etc.) further referred to as "dicks.dental" or "Dicks Dental".
when first navigating to dicks.dental you will see a pop up notification which informs you about the use of cookies and tracking technology.
clicking on "Accept all" is your first step to opt-in.
You may select "Accept Essentials" but we can then not guarantee that you will be able to benefit from all functionality such as order confirmation, tracking or follow up messages, to just name a few.
If you do not see the pop up, please clear your browser cache or try a different browser or device.
Please carefully read our policies which are linked in the cookies pop up and which we have linked on the footer of all pages. You can also access them here:
Our policies (in particular our privacy policy) describes further how you agree to automatically opt-in when you are using dicks.dental 's website(s) and when you are registering a user account with Dicks Dental.
Simply said, when you provide us your information in whichever way that you choose, we understand this as your wish to be contacted and as you to give us consent to use your data to do exactly that.
However, we want to make sure and respect your privacy. Therefore, you will be asked to confirm again from time to time, such as when you are using our services.
As example, let us look at how to schedule / book a call, meeting, training, or support session.
There are several calendars which you can use to pick a available date and time which fits your needs. Calendars are linked in the menu and pages of dicks.dental. They are also available as overview at http://calendar.dicks.dental/ 
To make sure you do not receive unwanted messages, we include a disclaimer message, such as the below, into all of the scheduling assistants.
"Quick 15min Call"
"Book Training"
"Book Support"
"Newsletter signup"
*By using this service you agree to opt-in to receive notifications, messages and phone calls through the provided contact information (email, phone number, etc.).
You can choose to Opt-out and to opt-in at any time. For further information please visit legal.dicks.dental (https://legal.dicks.dental)
You are able to see such disclaimers and/or notifications before you are providing your valued information.
In this example of the "Quick 15min Call", you would receive a email and or text message confirmation that we received your request and blocked the time accordingly in our calendar.
Some calendars are set to automatically confirm your appointment, others (such as the "Book Training" calendar) require a user (internally at dicks.dental) to be assigned and to review the request, before it is being manually approved.
Please note:
*By using this service you agree to opt-in to receive notifications, messages and phone calls through the provided contact information (email, phone number, etc.).
You can choose to Opt-out and to opt-in at any time. For further information please visit legal.dicks.dental (https://legal.dicks.dental)
Recordings such as Screen recordings and Audio recordings, might be used to create other training content. All rights are reserved by dicks.dental. Please let us know if you do not wish your session to be recorded. We do our best to inform you once again before the training begins, that the session will be recorded and give you the opportunity to opt-out from session recording(s).
We do our best to ensure that all of our forms (where you provide information to us), include at least one or more disclaimers to make you aware and to collect your consent.
I confirm that I want to receive notifications and messages from Dicks Dental using any contact information I provide. I understand that I can opt-out by sending STOP at any time and that I may opt back in at a later point again. For more info please visit https://legal.dicks.dental
Example "Book Support" Calendar opt-in
Go ahead and pick an available date and time slot!
Support is billed per 1/4h and $100/h
You might be contacted to clarify additional information about the training/support content and topic(s).
Your appointment request will be reviewed and it pending until confirmed.
*By using this service you agree to opt-in to receive notifications, messages and phone calls through the provided contact information (email, phone number, etc.).
You can choose to Opt-out and to opt-in at any time. For further information please visit legal.dicks.dental (https://legal.dicks.dental)
*Unless previously discussed, all support is held online (through remote desktop connection and phone ) and not on site. Support sessions calls, chat and email are subject to be recorded. You will not receive a copy of the recording with your invoice, but you will be informed what the solution to your problem was and the recorded data will be used to build a knowledge base, which will at a later point then be made available in full or in parts to you and other business partners and customers.
*Recordings such as Screen recordings and Audio recordings, might be initiated and used to create other training/support/knowledgebase content. All rights are reserved by dicks.dental and its legal name Dicks Dental. Please let us know if you do not wish your session to be recorded. We do our best to inform you once again before the training begins, that the session will be recorded and give you the opportunity to opt-out from session recording(s), notifications, and other contact methods.
Example: Opt-in to our Newsletter:
you will find the option to signup for our newsletter on several places on our website which will look similar to this:
One easy place to find it, is in your Account overview.
Other easy and fast ways for you to opt-in:
navigate to "Support" from within dicks.dental and its menu.
You can also click on the purple (when hovering your mouse) button "Support" which will navigate to:
"Live Text" or
"Live Chat"
is a simple and fast way to get in touch and to opt-in (or to opt-out).

Live Text

send us a live text here using the widget in the bottom right corner and we'll respond as soon as we can!
By simply entering your information into the form and checking the consent box and clicking on send, you opted in and allowed us to contact you.
You will then receive a message similar in its language to this:

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