
Bloomden 3D Pro ML


3Dpro ML





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3D Pro ML Zirconia

3D Pro ML Zirconia

Realized natural gradient of color, translucency and strength in a real sense .

Superior aging resistance and high strength up to 14 units bridge

Multilayer natural transition can match the color transition of the natural tooth from incisal to cervical.

Support Bloomden chairside fast sintering system can finish sintering in 66 Minutes!

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3D Pro ML Zirconia

Dicks pro tip
improved strength compared to previous version

Bloomden 3D Pro multilayer zirconia is unlike any other zirconia

its strength ranges from 800 MPa to 1200 MPa throughout the layers

whereas the material is strongest at the "bottom" of the disc and the cervical of the restoration

and gradually decreases in strength but at the same time increases in translucency towards the incisal

with >800 MPs the material is indicated for all major indications

 covering posteriors and anterior restorations of all sizes

whether it being single crowns, bridges, implant born restorations,

including full arch monolithic (implant) cases

such as "all-on-x" type restorations

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Lifelike natural transition

3Dpro ML realized a natural gradient of color, translucency and strength in a real sense. This lifelike gradient is achieved through a process called color grading, which involves blending different shades of zirconia to create a natural-looking effect. The result is a dental prosthesis that closely resembles the appearance of natural teeth, making it virtually in distinguishable from surrounding teeth in terms of color and texture.

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Consistent VITA®Classic Shade Match

We provide exceptional color matching for VITA's full range of 16 shades, including BL2. Our quality is consistent across batches, and dental technicians in both Europe and the USA have confirmed our color accuracy.

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High-Speed sintering makes more efficient work

Bloomden offers an exclusive solution for achieving high-speed sintering within a timeframe of 63 minutes through the combination of unique sintering curves and effective sintering equipment.


Recommended Indications

Restorations are available with monolithic full contour crowns, bridges, veneers or full arch.


Anterior Crown

Posterior Crown


Implant Crown

Implant Full Arch

Full arch Bridge

Full Crown Bridge

Technical Specifications

3D Pro Multilayer3D Pro Multilayer

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ZrO2 Hf02 Y203        ≥99%
Y203        4.5%-10%
AI203        <0.15%
Density Before Sintering(g.cm-3)        3.15±0.05
Density After Sintering(g.cm-3)        6.07±0.01
CTE (25-500℃C)(K-1)        10.5±0.5
Flexural Strength After Sintering (MPa)        800-1200
Aging Surface Monoclinic Phase Content        <15%
Light Transmittance        <49%
Chemical Solubility After Sintering(ug.cm-2)        <100
Cytotoxicity        0 Leve
Radioactivity(Bq.g-1)        <0.1
Sintering Temperature(℃C)        1480
Systems        98mm/95mm/92*75mm
Thickness        12m/14mm/16mm/18mm20mm/22mm/25mm/30mm
Shades        A1 A2 A3 A3.5 A4/B1 B2 B3 B4C1 C2 C3 C4/D2 D3 D4/BL1 BL2 BL3 BL4
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Dicks pro tip
Richard (Dick) Jentsch

I have personally used the material here in my lab

and compared it in terms of

mill-ability, edge stability and chipping,

tool wear, overall consistency and quality of the material

resemblance of the vita shade,

matching the shade while being stable

and true to the shade throughout different batches and LOT numbers

this is a fantastic product with wonderful aestethics

strong but lifelike

a true "one for all" material for your every day cases

feels and performs familiar to other multilayered products

such as **** prime, or sage***

but for a very reasonable price

while maintaining the quality anyone would expect from a FDA

and ISO certified product


[all samples sintered at C 1450 in an AG  Therm 3 sinter oven]


Dr. Nathan Graves

I have been using zirconia fast sintering technology for several months now, and I am thrilled with the results.

The fast sintering process has significantly reduced the time it takes to produce high-quality zirconia restorations,

allowing me to take on more work and increase my productivity.

The strength and aesthetics of the restorations are just as good, if not better,

than traditional sintering methods,

and my patients have been extremely satisfied with the results.

I appreciate the reduced energy consumption , which makes the process more environmentally friendly.

Overall, zirconia fast sintering technology has been a game-changer for my lab,

and I would highly recommend it to any dental technician looking to improve their workflow and output quality.

Dicks pro tip
  • Availability: Pre-Order
  • Model: 3D Pro ML
  • SKU: Bloom3DproML
  • Brand: Bloomden


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